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DBW Projects

Here you can find the exercises I did for this subject plus the group project I participated in.

Exercises consisted in elaborating a database model design and a ClustalO application. Group project focused on the development of a new bioinformatics tool: PTM Nexus.

Read More About PTM Nexus


ClustalO application

"Prepare a web application (PHP or Python/Flask, running on the course server) to perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal-Omega".

Database Model Design

"You are the manager of a bioinformatics support service and need to build a database to manage data from your users' studies. Define a data model (entities, attributes, and relationships) to hold data from RNASeq".

PTM Nexus: finding similarities in regulation through Post-Translational Modifications

Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs) are chemical changes applied to the proteins once they have been translated that can affect their function and properties. While information about PTMs can be found in some databases, none of them provides a way of comparing different PTM profiles from different proteins, an action that could help to understand better the relationship between PTM regulation betwen homologous and paralogous protein sequences. There is where PTM Nexus has came in: a tool for calculaitng similarity among different PTM profiles.