A Gram-positive bacterium that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, and other infections in humans.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a significant human pathogen responsible for various infections, including pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media.
It is a major public health concern due to its ability to develop antibiotic resistance, particularly in multidrug-resistant strains.
The diagnosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae infections relies on clinical symptoms and laboratory testing.
Preventing Streptococcus pneumoniae infections primarily involves vaccination and infection control measures, especially in high-risk populations.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in children and the elderly.
In 2016, it was the leading cause of lower respiratory infection morbidity and mortality globally, contributing to more deaths than all other etiologies combined (1,189,937 deaths)
Despite the availability of vaccines, pneumococcal infections remain a major global health concern, particularly in low-income countries.