My name is Elizaveta and for as long as I can remember I've been fascinated by two things: sciencie and the occult. While my full-time occupation is Bioinformatics and my dream is to dedicate myself to the study of protein structures or computational neuroscience, I also enjoy many of my hobbies. Tarot and Astrology have recently peaked my interest and I've been learning a lot about them ever since.
Back in the Middle ages, alchemy, astrology, tarot and divination were heretic occult practice that could book you a one way ticket to burn at the stake. Funny enough, so were natural sciences and philosophy. So while vastly different, witches and scientist share a bold skill of free thinking and exploration. Now, I know that the scientific method can't prove the statistical significance and rigurosity of trying to predict your future with some medieval playing cards, but there's no harm in indulging yourself in a little spiritual journey.
All jokes aside, my goal is to bring these two worlds together and show that they are not as different as they seem. I believe that the more we know about ourselves, the better we can understand the world around us.
If i caught your attention, you can take a look at this resource I compiled myself.
A library of all 78 Major and Minor Arcana tarot cards organized by suit.
Each card has its keywords that summarize their meaning and facilitate their interpretation.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, MELIS-UPF, Doctor Aiguader, 80-88, 08003, Barcelona