My personal site

About me

Welcome to my website!! my name is Daniel and I'm a first year student at the Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences (UPF/UB). The purpose of this website is to display all the assignments produced for the Databases and Web development subject.

Aside from biotechnology and bioinformatics, I have many different interests. Being a canarian resident, I enjoy various outdoors activities, with hiking and football being among my favourites. Some of my other hobbies also include playing the piano, reading fantasy books and playing videogames.

FelineGenome Explorer Project

This project is currently in development and will be available in the upcoming weeks. We thank you for your patience.

The presentations related to the FelineGenome Explorer project are available to download below:

Download Specification.pdf Download datamodelFG.pdf

Data Model

This section includes a Data Model for the following scenario:

A series of RNAseq (analysis). Data includes: 1) Genes included in the study. 2) Reference, suppliers, for sequencing reagents and equipment used, 3) Sample and user details, 4) Results: genes, expression values, differential expression analysis 5) References.

Download Data Model.pdf


Note: there are three possible ways to provide input for the alignment: providing a set of protein sequences, a set of Uniprot protein IDs or a FASTA file containg a set of protein sequences. If they are used simultaneously, the alignment will be produced using the combined input from all three methods.

Also, please make sure that the Uniprot protein IDs are separated line by line and don't include any other text.