Marta's section
Here you can find information about me, my hobbies and my projects.
Click on the links to go to the section you are interested in.
About me
My name is Marta García Nieto and I'm a junior student in the MSc in Bioinformatics of Health sciences @ UPF. Since science has always been my passion, I did my Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences @ UB. I discovered the bioinformatic's field during high school, thanks to the influence of my teachers who always gave me the newest updates of the science world. Besides my studies, I have been working as a data scientist in a small company in Barcelona called IDIAPJGol. I work with R and Python as well as SQL to analyse, generate and visualize data. Despite loving sciences and informatics, I am passionate about hiking and reading. During my free time, whenever I have the chance, I go to the mountains with my dog to explore new routes and natural shelters. I always have a book with me so anytime you will find me reading.
Hiking and routes
In the following section Here you can find information about my favourite routes and hiking tips.
- All
- Catalonia
- Spain
- Andorra

Bioinformatic's section
Here you can find information about my projects done in the MSc in Bioinformatics
Toxic database
Toxic databaseHere you can find information about the toxic database project
Discover the Toxic Browser!Clustal Omega
Clustal OmegaHere you can find information about the Clustal Omega project
Discover Clustal Omega!Data model design
Data model designHere you can find information about the data model design project
Discover the Data Model!Contact Me
Social Profiles
Email Me
Call Me
+34 610 910 55 55