
The L Cabin

Biotechnologist | Master Student in Bioinformatics



Toxic Compound Browser


About me and this web page!

My name is María and I am a biotechnologist currently learning Bioinformatics. This web offers some useful tools in the field. Our main web app is dedicated to providing comprehensive toxicological insights on a wide range of compounds. As I love reading, I decided to add a small section about books I recommend, specifically from Julio Cortázar, one of my favourite authors. You will find books I am currently reading as well. Feel free to explore and dive into this website!

The secrets of the Cabin

Reading can be a marvelous activity to spend your time into. Enjoying books implies much more than just understanding those printed letters. It is a truly immersive experience if you choose the right book and the right mood...But it can turn into a weird, overwhelming world. That kind of place in which you lose track of reality and get completely absorbed by words... Maybe that is what Julio Cortázar wanted to convey with his stories.

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I hope I get more time to enjoy this activity in the upcoming months. In the time being, I can just recommend you some books/stories that might be interesting for you... I love these!

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"Todos los Fuegos el Fuego" is one of Julio Cortázar's books. It is not as famous as "Rayuela" but it still deserves a try. He surely knows how to make your mind explode. I actually found this book thanks to someone else, so it is very special to me.

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When I first read "La casa tomada", I found myself utterly captivated by Cortázar's writing style. It was fascinating, a true example of Magic Realism. After some years, I decided to finally read "Bestiario". Highly recommended.

Books I'm currently reading:

My favourite genre is dark and epic fantasy. You probably heard about Mistborn books, from Sanderson. They are quite famous at the moment. I'm reading now the first book of the series. On the other hand, Silverville is an adventure/mistery story with a strong female protagonist.

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