Welcome to My personal webpage

Estel Martín Alarcón

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A bit summary About Me

Welcome to this webpage! I am Estel Martín, originally trained as a Biochemist, but currently immersing myself in the world of bioinformatics. While this webpage was initially created for the "Database and web development" subject of my MSc, it now serves as a platform to delve deeper into my journey and the various projects I've been involved in. Feel free to explore the different projects I've undertaken within the field of bioinformatics, and discover what drives my enthusiasm for this field.


My Background Education

MSc in Bioinformatics for health sciences

University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona - 2023-2025

The master's program in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences aims to equip professionals and researchers with the necessary skills and expertise to pioneer novel computational methodologies and IT solutions tailored for biomedical exploration. By blending computational techniques with biomedical research, this program fosters innovation and empowers participants to devise cutting-edge strategies for tackling complex healthcare challenges.

BSc in Biochemistry

University of Barcelona, Barcelona - 2019-2023

Studying Biochemistry has been an enlightening journey, offering a deep dive into the intricate mechanisms that govern life at a molecular level. Through this program, valuable insights into biological processes and molecular pathways have been gained, while refining skills in various biochemical techniques and experimental methodologies.

Chemistry Research Group (UAMC) | University of Antwerpen, Belgium

As part of my Bachelor's program, I had the opportunity to undertake an enriching internship experience at the Medicinal Chemistry Research Group (UAMC) in Antwerpen Universiteit, Belgium. During this internship, I focused on researching and validating peptide substrates for specific proteases, which formed the basis of my bachelor's thesis project. This immersive experience involved crafting protocols, executing protein expression and purification, and implementing peptide synthesis techniques.

Contact me

Contact Details

For any further information please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.


Barcelona, Spain

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