
Seventh country.

Created by Phuris, the divinity of life and death. It is the country further north, with mild summers and cold winters. The capital is called Ethernova (seen in the picture), a city in the middle of a wooded valley.

The country is a republic, the country is divided into several regions, and each one periodically elects a representative to speak for them in the central government, from all the representatives, one of them is chosen as president of the country.

It used to be considered one of the richest countries in terms of culture, since, as its divinity is the god of life and death, they had great festivals to celebrate both parts of the divinity. But a few years ago, the government decided to outlaw any connection to the part of death, whether cults to this part of divinity, cults to other gods related to death, festivities... where anyone who does not renounce these beliefs and convert to the part of life, or if their relationship with death is deemed too great to be saved, are exiled from the country.

Therefore, the majority religion in the country is the cult of the Phuris part of life, although there are also some minor deities who have passed the government's filter. Phuris does not live in the country, he went to the heavenly plane once the country was established and began to grow, as he wanted to let the people of the country themselves decide how it evolved.

Due to this change in the laws, the army has been strengthened to become the second strongest in the world, trained to fight against the rebel side generated by the new laws.

On an economic level, it is based on carpentry, agriculture and livestock, and above all crafts.








Player character

He was born in Deerpass, a town in the country of life and death. Son of a blacksmith, her mother taught him how to use smith's tools. She let him spend some afternoons at the forge, something that worried his dad, in case Ven got hurt. Although, everyone knew that being the active child he was, Ven would more probably be the danger rather than in danger, a prediction that his mother's apprentice learnt to be true when Ven almost cut him while swinging one fo his mother's swords.

His father was the one doing the housework, in addition of working in the town hall, preparing events, normally to raise money for a cause. Thanks to him, Ven developed a wish to help anyone in need.

He also had a little brother, with who he didn't get along at the beginning, but ended up loving the most.

When Ven was 15, a representative of the capital arrived to town, saying that it was illegal to worship or do any activities related to death. The town, who worshipped the goddess of tranquility, Elyria, who in part was in charge of helping people passing without regrets, and therefore related to death. The town obviously refused.

Some weeks later, the man returned with soldiers and attacked the town. At that moment, Ven was helping in the orchards, at the outskirts. He saw the smoke coming from the town and run to see what was happening, to find death and destruction. He run to his house, but it was already burning, without sight of nobody of his family. A soldier saw him and attacked him, but before they could kill Ven, an arrow hit the soldier.

Some days later, Ven woke up ina strange bed. He then met his savior, an orc called Ushug, who had also been takking care of him. She told him that the town had been almost destroyed, teh soldiers had only left some houses stil standing, and only a third of the population still lived. And the man who had done all that was now living in the town hall.

Filled with rage, Ven sneaked out while Ushug cooked. With half a plan in mind, he went to the town hall, with teh intention to kill the representative of the capital. He was almost succesful, but doubt stopped his hand, just enough time to be discovered and attacked by the guards. He fleed, but the guards were faster. If not for Ushug's intervention for a second time, he would have been caught.

Uushug took care of him, and trained him as a ranger. Years went by, they helped different towns defending them from creatures threatening them.

However, when Ven made 25, he felt that it waas time for him to explore the world, and to try to help those who had been hurt by the new law. With the news of the tournament, he decided to participate, becasue if he managed to win, he would be able to ask the royal family of DArklume for help to stop the massacre happening in Vitaluna.








Non-Player Character

GM note: sorry folks, but this one holds too many important spoilers, what's more, this character could not even be in the final version, maybe he died, or maybe not... I just added it to mess with Venhomin's player.








Non-Player Character

Born in Deerpass, she was a happy child without worries. She had her group of friends with who she spent all her free time with. As it was a small town, she knew every kid, and obviously, she liked ones more than others, for example, there was the blacksmith's son, Venhomin, who Ilthyra thought to be quite weird, but sometimes fun.

Her parents were the bakers of the town, so she always brought some of their products to her friends gatherings.

When the representative of the capital attacked, she and his parents managed to survive by hiding between the big bags of flour. However, when the attacked had finnished, they were caught trying to escape, but the soldiers had orders not to kill any more person. Unofrtunately, the acts of a random person changed that, the representative was attacked by someone, and in his rage, he decided to kill half of the survivors, and between those who were kill were her fathers.

Those who managed to survive were moved to the closest towns. There, she planned a way to escape the soldiers and escpae. A plan she managed to complete, but she hadn't taken into account that escaping was just the beginning, she didn't have food, nor water. She walked and walked until she couldnt continue anymore and fell unconscios. Fortunately, a group of people, rebels to the government found her and saved her.

With the rebels, Ilthra learnt to fight and became a paladin of the goddess of tranquility, decided to defend those who were being wrongly harmed.








Non-Player Character

Ushug lived in a little town for most of her life. In her town, everybody was treated equally, a good difference to many other places.

Ushug grew up, studied and fell in love. She married a human, Michael, and had a child together. however, destiny wasn't in her family's favor. One day, teh town was attacked by a pack of monsters, destroying everything in their way. She and her family didn't even had time to react, a creature destroyed her home while they were sleeping. She woke when she hit the ground after almost being crushed by the stampede of creatures assaulting the town. nfortunately, her husband and child (who slept next to his father) were killed under the multiple feets.

Shocked as she was, she couldn't move, she just watched as how the bodies of her husband and child were steped on, once and again. When the creatures left the town, sh ewas still lying on the floor, watching the bodies of her family.

Several days passed, and she felt like she had no energy to even try to survive. But the night of the fifht day after the incident, she had a dream of his husband, telling her that she had to fight, for them, she had to keep living, that way, they would be rememberd, that she had the right to keep living, and that he wished that she had a beautiful and long life, that he would be waiting for her all time necessary.

After that dream, Ushug realized she wanted to survive.Knowing now the danger that unwatched creatures could do, she took a bow from his late husband and decided to hunt the creatures who had ruined her life.




Game master





What? Already? There is barely no informations?!?!

Yeah, yeah, I know. and I am so sorry, but as this one is the last, I haven't given it any attention yet. But knowing the familiar situation of the PC of this country, I know I can make something equally entertaining and emotionally wrenching. 😈

Also, I have to say that Venhomin is my favourite PC (*help, I'm being threaten at bowpoint to write this, someone call the police*)