
Fifth country

Created by Alene, the goddess of water. Serentide is a country divided between the different islands of an archipelago, having a tropical climate. To get there from the nearest mainland, the use of boats is necessary. If only the terrestrial territory is taken into account, it is the smallest country of all.

It is the second most technologically advanced country, mainly due to its advances in the field of medicine and the field of anthropology and forensics. In addition, it has a consortium with Elexara for research and development in these fields.

It is governed by the collaboration between the goddess Alene and a republican senate.

Unlike other countries, products such as food, water or housing are free (although with regard to housing, only in the case of having the minimum and necessary to live, larger houses with more luxuries begin to be worth money).

Medical care is completely free, both in the country and in Serentide's delegations in other countries. Mroeover, careers taught in the country's universities are also free, in both cases. This is because the goddess Alene sees as a sacrilege the fact of putting impediments to people's health and the advancement of knowledge.

The country's economy is based on the natural resources of the archipelago, such as sustainable fishing, but also on the sale of luxuries, which are not free, luxuries such as mansions, art and leisure, and tourism (the latter is mainly tourists from the country itself visiting other islands and tourists from Elexara).

As the country is a powerhouse in the development of therapies and diagnostic methods, it was inevitable that a black market would be created, mainly controlled by the mafia, selling medical materials at high prices. As the fact that puting a price to this type of material goes against Alene's teachings, there is a branch of the police specialized in fighting the mafia.

On a religious level, the majority is the cult of Alene, a medicinal and academic goddess, obsessed with curing all the diseases of the world, although there are different ways in which the cult of this goddess manifests itself, there are the clerics of Alene, in charge of patient care, but there are also researchers who are in charge of developing knowledge, or Alene's paladins, in charge of acting as diplomats trying to create hospitals in the rest of the countries.








Player character

Her family lived in a gaunt house after Aiwin, her father, made a cosniderable amount of money from his business dealings, making them one of the most influential families in the country. In that house, Naivara lived with her parents, her twin brother and five younger sisters.

The early years of Naivara's childhood were very happy, although they were marked by the continuous absences of his father, who was constantly going on business trips and who, when he was at home, ignored his children quite a bit. Her mother, who was a much more loving woman, took care of her education and made her and her brother worthy of the class they now held. Naivara and Tannyl had a very close relationship and were always together. Although they had 5 more sisters, she was more united to Tannyl.

When Naivara and Tannyl turned 15, their mother enrolled them in a religious school because she felt she couldn't teach them anything else and wanted her children to become cultured and influential people. It is at this time that Naivara begins to meet the clerics and decides that she would like to become a healing cleric and follow the goddess of Water.

In her studies, she meets Galan (17 years old) and Siyare (87 years old), children of other influential personalities, who become her best friends. However, both of htem ended up abanodning their studies.

When Naivara turned 18, a series of failed business ventures by her father plunged the family into ruin and they had to pull Naivara out of religious school because they could not afford her education. From then on, they had to pretend to have money, even though they were very poor and were on the verge of losing their home.

Aiwin began trying to marry his children off to various suitors in order to earn some money and found a partner for Tannyl, Rania, the daughter of a politician. Tannyl didn't like Rania, or any woman, but he agreed to the marriage to help his sisters, especially Naivara. However, before the wedding took place, Tannyl became very ill. He was bedridden for two years, while Naivara did everything she could to help him. In the end, she couldn't save him.

For the next 5 years, Naivara and her family went through many hardships. They were very sad to have lost Tannyl (especially Naivara), they had to move to a smaller apartment, and all the sisters had to share only one room. They had almost no food, and Naivara barely ate to give her little sisters enough to feed themselves.

When Naivara turned 23, her father began showing up at her house accompanied by several Feys with whom he had befriended. The one who came the most was Gawain, leader of the Fey mafia. Her father's business began to pick up a bit and they were able to move to a better apartment and go back to the dances and parties.

A year later, Galan asked her to marry him and Naivara, pressured by her father, accepted it, knowing that this union was the last push that their house needed to regain the influence they had enjoyed many years ago. Naivara liked Galan, and they had been friends for years, so she thought she could become happy with him.

Shortly before the wedding, the goddess of water appealed to all her clerics to come and assist people who had been injured in various conflicts that had broken out around the world. Naivara, despite not having completed her training as a clergywoman, felt that she had to go and help and she went to Balasar, one of her possible destinations.

Naivara spent the next 4 years there helping the wounded, until Alene ordered the retreat of her faithful to prevent them from being captured and subjected to harsh punishments. When Naivara finally returned home, she was met with a big surprise. Galan hadn't waited for her and had taken another woman as his wife: Siyare, her best friend, who, by the time Naivara returned, was pregnant.

Aiwin dealings with teh mafia had gone awry, Aiwin had not been able to repay all the money he owed Gawain, and now, in addition to being even more broke, his life and the lives of his entire family were in danger. Desperate to try to get some money to pay the mafia, Naivara took care of sick old women, but she didn't earn much.

One night, as she was leaving work, she was intercepted by Ulfon, one of the Fey thugs, The man told Naivara that they couldn't drag out his debt payments any longer, and that they had a month to get all the money together. Otherwise, her entire family would pay the consequences. Although Naivara tried to negotiate with him, Ulfon refused to budge and it was then that he made an unfortunate comment about Naivara and Galan that unleashed the young woman's fury, causing her to confront him. Ulfon was much better at fighting than Naivara, but that night luck was on the young woman's side, when she managed to kill Ulfon after stealing a sledgehammer that he lost during the fight. Naivara lost a finger during the confrontation.

When she calmed down, she realized the mistake she had made, murdering someone as important as Ulfon. If someone found out that she had been the culprit, not only would her life be ruined, but her entire family would fall from grace, if not killed. She fled the scene as quickly as she could, and the next day, when she heard the news about the tournament in Darklume, she decided to leave the country.

The tournament had two good things for her: first, that she would be walking away from her city during the investigation of Ulfon's murder, which hopefully they wouldn't connect with her. The second was that he could try to get the money his family needed to pay off their debts to the mafia. So to Drklume she went, , leaving behind her entire family, whom she did not alert to her departure.








Non-Player Character

A member of the police's force against the mafias illegally selling medical supplies. Her work-partner is a half-elf called Kai.

A deeply beliver of Alene, as thanks to the goddess her mother is alive. Houth had a car accident with her mother, in which her resulted only lightly harmed, with an easy recovery, but her mother needed urgent surgery. It was the godess herself who carried out the dangerous procedure. Thanks to Alene's knowledge and the medicines developed thanks to her, Houth's mother is still alive, reason why Houth hates the mafias trying to take advantage of the people in need in other countries, trying to sell them medicine at exhorbitant prices.

Houth has always had an eye for machines, a talent that has helped her to create tools to help her at her job.

Currently, she and Kai are after the Fey mafia, as these have been increasing their power over the years and are one of the three most important criminal bands in the country at the moment.








Non-Player Character

A member of the police's force against the mafias illegally selling medical supplies. Her work-partner is a half-elf called Kai.

Known by his serious and no-bullshit attitude. With years in the force, he predicted that the Fey mafia would gain power if they didn't do anything about it, but his superiors decided to ignore him. He is not sure if they have been bribed or are simply incompetents, but their lack of action makes Kai wary of them.

Now that the Fey mafia has gained power and showed that they are no joke, he and Houth have been assigned to investivate them to take them down.








Non-Player Character

A green dragonbron who decided to leave his tribe with his brother, a really weird occurance, as dragonbron notoriously prefer being isolated formt eh rest of the world in little tribes.

Them moving wasn't a choice made by their own wish, but becasue his brother was dying, and neither their cleric nor their druid were being able to heal him. When they got to Serentide, his brother was checked and diagnosed with a rare disease. A medicine existed to help him, but the materials were rare, so it wouldn't be available for some months, months that maybe his brother didn't have.

Despite this, leaving the hospital, a strange figure approached them, a fey, telling them he had heard about their struggle, and that his group had a vial of the medicine they were searching for. his brother didn't want the vial, as he didn't trust the fey; but Fern was desperate, he didn't want to lose his brother, so, without telling him, he accepted the vial.

The fey told him that there was a price to be paid for the vial, but Fern had no money. In the end, they decided that Fern would pay by doing favors to the Fey mafia. He took the vial and administered to his brother, who got anxious when he understood the situation Fern had gotten himself into. Fern's brother got a little bit better, but not enough to be able to leave the country yet. Fern started doing favours for the feys, starting with simple ones, increasing the level of dificulty and violence each mission. His brother started to fell ill again, and this time, he died before fern could do anything about it, that vial had only given him two more months of life.

Now, Fern is stuck having to obey the fey mafia in order to pay ofr his brother's medicine, despite his brother having passed. His current mission is to hunt and kill and elf that had killed a member of the mafia, a young girl called Naivara, who seemingely had fled to Darklume.








Non-Player Character

Daughter of Alene, the godess of water. As being half divine, her long lifespan for being an elf has increased to several thousand of years.

She is not the most social woman, most of the time she is by herself in the house she lives in with her mother. She is an avid painter, always inmersed in a new painting. From time to time, she helps her mother with medical cases.

Those who have met her describe her as a happy person, full of hope and joy, always trying to help. At the beginning, she liked to go throguht he city she lives, making friends and helping the community with everything she could. But as time went on and on, her friedns started dying, while she kept young, as if no time had passed. When even her elven freinds, those with the hightest lifespan, had crossed the veil, she started to stay more at home, as she didn't feel strong enough to make new friends and go through that same process of saying goodbye to those she loved.

She shares her mother's passion for medicine, but in a different way, while her mother mainly focus on treating patients and improving knowledge; Naida prefers a quieter approach, obtaining materials for different kinds of medicine, reson why she has a personal garden and a little animal shelter.








Non-Player Character

The journey from the main continent to Serentide's acrhipielago has to be done by ships. Many say they can provide that service, but those who actually know who is actually capable and who is just a charlatan always say, if you want to cross the sea, you go with Cyclara's crew. The journey is not specially difficult, but surprises can come from everywhere in the middle of that sea.

She is described as weird and extravagant, but one of the best sailors. She and her crew have fought against both pirates and sea monsters, proving themselves as one of the strongest ships.

Despite all this, they do not work for any government transporting people or supplies, they work for themselves, without ending up being pirates. They simply do the best paid legal job.

Everybody knows that Cyclara is her chosen name, and a quick way of getting the boot out of her ship is to ask her previous name.








Non-Player Character

Goddess of water and one of the 8 primotdial deities. Alene is known as a healing and an academic deity.

She is also known as the godess of medicine, as this one is her main focus. She ahs molded her country to the study of any kind of diseases and to improve both knowldege and techniques to heal any kind of illness. Two of her main studies are rare diseases and multi-resistant bacterium.

Her followers train to be able to go anywhere that is is required to help those in need. They have become the central medical group in the world, with hospitals in many big cities of other countries.

She juggles her work as an investigator and doctor with being a single mother to Naida, the person she loves the most. Sinve Naida decided to stop meeting people to avoid creatign attachments, Alene has been trying to persuade her to go out, that it is true that death hurts, but that meeting people and making friends is still worthy.




Game master





Ok, I must admit that we are getting to the coutnries I don't have that much prepared, As it is logical, I have focused ont he first ones, so going from Serentide to the others after this one it will have that half-cooked vibe, because it is half-cooked yet.

Nevertheless, what I do have alrready planned... well, I am really expectign to see their faces with this one, maybe they curse at me, maybe they love it, or maybe they'll be too in shock to give an answer, who knows? But one thing I can say, I am so excited for this part to happen.