
The whole planet

Created by Idlis, the god of light and darkness, Darklume is a country with a desertic environemnt; therefore, many cities have been established near drinking water sources. Starfall is the capital city (can be seen in the image), located in the center of the desert.

Many mountain ranges can be found in the dessert, and inside these, the main exported resource of the country is found, gems, the trade of which has generated a notorious black market, specially for a rare gem able to hold memories in its interior, and able to reproduce them.

The government is based ona a monarchy. The royal family was chosen by Idlis before he decided to leave the country for the celestial plane (gods' home).

Two principal religions can be found:
1. The church of light, who worship this side of Idlis, a stategious good, focusing in organized battles, adapting to any unexpected event, without letting emotions take over during battle
2. The chrch of darkness, who worship the other side of the god: more focused on rest, on wellbeing, specially mental health, as the god knows that violence has a price to be paid in more than one way.

The police is formed by members of the church of light: paladins, clerics... who are responsible of solving disptes that occur inside teh city. On the otehr hand, the army, controlled by the monarchy, is tasked with keeping the external threats to the cities and the roads connecting them at bay.








Non-player character

Goddess of Hell, and one of the eight primoridal gods. Differently to the other gods, she has a complete plane to reign.

However, demons are fun up to a point, then they start getting repetitive, always challenging her for the rule of Hell. Don't get her wrong, she loves a god fight like any other demon woman, but sometimes, a change is welcomed.

So, from time to time, she goes to the mortal plane, and goes from town to town, just meeting people, sometimes helping, sometimes bothering. She finds the problems of mortals fascinating.

Although she is normally hated and feared by mortals, she doesn't take it personally, everyone fears the ruler of the place nobody wants to go.

However, something has changed in her, the world is in peril, and if the Galea of the mortal world is destroyed, the Galea of Hell will be destroyed too. And as much fun she has with the soul of the dammned, she would prefer not dying too.

In hell, she is known as a strong ruler, and her wraith is feared.








Non-Player Character

Don't look at the man in the photo, but to the deer behind him. Ore-seur, a nephalem, child of an angel and a demon.

He is the animal companion of Venhomin, able to change forms at will, but it takes him time morph from one to another.

Despite being having lived more than 10.000 years, he is still considered a kid to the eyes of the celestials. And, to be honest, they act like one becuse he is a child.

He has been selected by the god of animals to accompany Venhomin in his mission... soemthing Ore-seur finds unfair, as there are others more capable than him. So reticent, he joins Venhomin.








Non-Player Character

Goddess of tranquility, a secondary divinity.

She was the goddess worshiped in Venhomin's town. Despite the destruction of it, she stills tries to help the survivors. An example of this is convincing the god of animals to send a companion to Venhomin, to help him in his journey.

As she has the mission to help everyone to die without regrets and peacfully, the possibility of the world ending goes agaisnt everything she believes, and she will fight with everything she has to avoid it.




Game master





Well, this category is different to the rest, in here we find characters that will be present in more than one country.

Creating this characters has been fun, as I can play with their character arcs bettre than with teh others, as they ave much more time for thigns to happen, changing them. Also, is it really obvious that me an my players are big Brandon SAnderson's fans? I blame Venhomin's player, he decided the name.