
Third country.

Created by the goddess of electricity, Tygtris. It's the most technologically fdeveloped country, s much, that people from other countries prefer not to visit neither move to the country due to the insurmountable differences in the lifestyles between Elexara and teh other countries.

Soemtimes, planes can be sone flying over the other countries, but they are mostly confused with metal birds. The country focuses on knowledge, that why it is easy to see scientists, academics or other people form Elexara in other countries investigating something, however, t ehya re nromally quiet close in personality. Because of this focus on investigation and understanding, Tygtris is not also knwon as the goddess of electricity, but also of knowledge. she has spent her life learning and using that knowledge to create machines of wonder.

The country has several consortiums with other countries, for example, with Serentide, they ahve a consortium to increase the knowledge in the medicine field, as the application of technology in it. Another consortium is between Elexara, Serentide and Darklume, in specific the church of darkness in the last country, to study mental health.








Non-player character

Member of the inventors guild, created to both increase communication between engineers, artificers, wizards... and other different types of inventors; and to inform them of their rights.

Zarigril is the son of a long family of inventors, so he was already playing with tinker's tools since he was young. As an adult, he has gained some fame with his own inventions.

He is passionate on advocating for inventor's rights, as he is tired of seeing big technological companies preying on new inventors, making them think that without them, nobody will use their inventions.








Non-Player Character

Member of the "Harvesters of Anihilation", she has been sent to recover a piece of an important object for the sect.

Original from Vitaluna, she saw as how the new laws from that country destroyed their way of living because they worshiped a god related to the death. The government sent an emissary to the city they lived in, and any follower of a deity related to death were arrested, between them her parents. She managed to escape, with only 7 years of age. She had to learn how to survive on her own, stealing and lying to get food to eat. The world had shown her how cruel it could be, why did she have to have any remorse in fighting for herself that way?

A group called "Harvesters of Anihilation" found her and took care of her, they taught her of their ways, of their hate to the gods for their lack of action to help people and their egocentrism, never actually worrying for the people they are supposed to protect.

For Minerva, all this made sense, after all, where was Phuris, the deity of life and death, when her parents were being taken away? Where was Athanor, the god of passage, her parents god, when ehr life was being torned to pieces? She grew bitter against the gods and started working for the Harvesters, becoming one of their best assets.








Non-Player Character

A representative of Elexara's government, independent of Tygtris, teh godess of electricity.

A master in covert operations, Saelhin has gotten fame for her dedication and efficiency in her missions. She has stopped inventions of Elexara to be illegally sent to other countries.

She prides herself in always being able to adapt to any circumstance. Her mission is to protect the people of Elexara.








Non-Player Character

Also known as "Fulmina Raven", she is a rock star that is currently at the top of the charts.

She is original from Talespire, where her parents worked as historians. She shares a same love for history, but despises the boring life that her parents lead. Reason why she decided to search her own way of preserving and spreading history to the world. Accidentaly, she met a group of singers that sang songs about the beginning of the countries, amazed by the way they explained every event, she realized she had found her way, with music. She asked the band for pointers on how to start, they gladly answered, and told her that, if she wanted to dpread Galea's history through songs, she should get in contact with the "Melody keepers".

Melody keepers is a faction that registers all the important and mundane events that happen in the world, recording and passing their songs to hold them forever either in storage in Elexara, or a memory stone in Talespire.

Raven learned to use the lute, but she wasn't completely satisfied, she felt a need to harder rythms, and not just the sweetness of the lute. Searching for new ways to revolutionize her music, she decided to move to Elexara, where she learnt about electric instruments and about other music genres. She fell in love with Rock, and decided to create songs with that type of music.

Her music, which was a mixture of songs about history, and songs about overcoming personal challenges, managed to get the attention of many people. Slowly, she managed to get a spot between the most listened artists of today.








Non-Player Character

Goddess of electricity, one of the seven primordial gods. She is fascinated by the world and wants to understand how everything works, for her, knowledge is the most important trait. That's why her country is mostly focused in increasing the understanding of the world and how to apply that knowledge, always puching boundries of what is thought to be impossible.

Although she did rule over Elexara for some time, she didn't like that, she is not a ruler, nor she likes the spotlight. She prefers to stay on her laboratory, investigating and inventing. Therefore, she left the rule of her country to the people, making her country a democracy.

Her country has still inherited traits of her, like the focus on science, technology, and overall increasing knowledge in all academical fields. Moreover, no coin, no money, no currency exists in the country, as Tygtris thinks that restricting being able to invent behind the ability to get money is a downfall of society. Moreover, she believes that if people have to constantly worry about if they are going to have enough money to eat, or to keep living where theya re living, that will only delay the country development. That's why in Elexara, every person, no matter their job, status or academic background, is given enough things to live comfortably by the governemnt.

She is also known to be a goddess of the people, always participating in all the celebrations as one more. Moreover, she is a huge fan of "Fulmina Raven" and has been wanting to go to a concert for a long time, but she never manages to get tickets in time, as she is always absorbed in some experiment when teh tickets become available.




Game Master





Hi, reader! I know, I know, this one is really small and the characters that are actually described are not completely developed. Technically, there will be more characters, but at the time of submitting this project, I won't have all the characters yet created.

However, I can say that for this country, the background of the NPCs is not that important, at least not as much as to what they represent. As Elexara doesn't have a PC assigned, I can't use the background of my player to create a story. However, it does give me an opportunity of doing another thing, where backgrounds are not important; a fight between factions, each one with it's own agenda.

So let the games begin! Will my players know who to trust? Will they be helped by their friends? Or will they fall under the knife of a traitor?