
First country.

Created by Idlis, the god of light and darkness, Darklume is a country with a desertic environment; therefore, many cities have been established near drinking water sources. Starfall is the capital city (can be seen in the image), located in the center of the desert.

Many mountain ranges can be found in the desert, and inside these, the main exported resource of the country is found, gems, the trade of which has generated a notorious black market, specially for a rare gem able to hold memories in its interior, and able to reproduce them.

The government is based ona a monarchy. The royal family was chosen by Idlis before he decided to leave the country for the celestial plane (gods' home).

Two principal religions can be found:
1. The church of light, who worship this side of Idlis, a strategious good, focusing in organized battles, adapting to any unexpected event, without letting emotions take over during battle
2. The church of darkness, who worship the other side of the god: more focused on rest, on wellbeing, specially mental health, as the god knows that violence has a price to be paid in more than one way.

The police is formed by members of the church of light: paladins, clerics... who are responsible of solving disputes that occur inside te+he city. On the other hand, the army, controlled by the monarchy, is tasked with keeping the external threats to the cities and the roads connecting them at bay.








Player character

Chicharrón grew up in Luar, a portuary city south from Starfall, established near the river Noitcelfer. Him and other orphans created a criminal band to survive in the city, being Chicharrón and his childhood best friend Lycano the heads of the organization; Lycano being the face, while Chicharrón was the muscle.

Despite being a violent criminal tasked with robberies and beatings, he cared for the people in the slums and helped in an orphanage, where he invested most of his savings. There he met Allegra, a girl also helping in the establishment, and one of the few who didn't discriminate Chicharrón for being a half-orc. He quicly fell in love with her, but thinking she wouldn't reciprocate the feelings, he decided to stay silent.

A commission arrived one day from a powerful nobleman, asking Chicharrón to kill a merchant who was investigating things he shouldn't. Chicharrón wasn't convinced, as he didn't go after innocent people, but Lycano convinced him that the man was no saint and had offended the client, moreover, with the reward, they could reinforce the security of the slums.

And so he went, he dispatched the guards and found the target. But allas, Chicharrón still had doubts in hid mind that made him hesitate, giving the alarms time to activate, forcing him to do a risky escape after killing the man. However, before jumping through the window, he heard a familiar voice calling in desperation for her father. He turned his head and saw Allegra crying, holding the dead man. Their eyes met, and Chicharrónjumped through the window full of regret and panic.

But misfortunes never come alone, when he arrived to the base of his organization, he found it in flames, with all the members killed. At the entrance, Lycano was still standing, but he was accompanied by the guard of the city, after betraying the band to gain the trust of the elites of the city. Chicharrónwas forced to flee, escaping through the port of the city in a cargo ship. Now, he wanders asa hired sword, hiding his criminal identity, and preparing for his revenge.








Non-Player Character

Hope was born in the slums of Starfall, but at an early age started to show powers connected to Idlis, the god of light and darkness, specifically, powers related to the light.

The church of light got information about her, and confirmed that her powers came from the god. Her mom, knowing that Hope would have a better life with the church than with her, decided to give her away to them.

The church took care of her upbringing, also teaching her how to fight. Hope was amazed by the paladins of the past, strong and intelligent, saving the people from any danger. She also realized the stigma that the tieflings had to suffer, even her, a member of the church, had suffered it from time to time.

That's why, when she was old enough, she decided to become a paladin, to be like her heroes, and prove that Tieflings also had god in them and could be heroes.








Non-Player Character

Born in Luar, daughter of a merchant.

She grew up with the benefits of money, but her father stressed the fact that having money meant that they had to help more those who weren't in their situation. For this reason, Allegra started helping in a orphanage, where she met Chicharrón.

The day her father was murdered, her world was shattered. From one day tot eh other, she had to take care of a company while grieving the lose of her father, while helping her mother, who falled into a depression because of the loss. Due to the murder, their clients decided to search for other mercahnts, because how much could they trust that Allegra's company would survive after her father's death?

Allegra decided to start training, trying to feel like she had some control over her life, which proved to be useful, when the monarchy decided to do a tournment with a monetary reward, her last possibility to save her father's company.








Non-Player Character

Prince of Darklume, his family was chosen by Idlis to govern the country, and that has been done since then. In order to help them, Idlis infused the family with powers, which have been passed from generation to the next one,

During his upbringing, Ajani was made clear that, even though Idlis had given them this position, the ones that allowed them to guide the country was the people, and therefore, they had to be the first and main concern of the royal family, who should care and protect every inhabitant of the country.

At 15 years old, his parents fell ill, and no cleric of the church of light, the only ones allowed to treat them by the king, were able to determine the disease. Since then, Ajani has taken charge of most of the royals duties, while his parents fade away, day by day, but still alive.

Having had to mature too early and too fast, he always shows a fake smile to the world, hiding his insecurities and pain.

Now, something moves in the shadows of the palace, something that he can't quite pinpoint, but he knows that it exists, something that might put the whole danger in country if he doesn't stop it.








Non-Player Character

Chief of the royal guard, who has pledge his loyalty to the crown and sweared to protect the prince with his life if necessary.

Born in a middle class family, Baern decided to enlist in the army to help those in need. He defended the peace of Starfall, protecting the walls and the roads that take to other cities. Five years after enlisting, a dangerous group of bandits appeared, they stole wagons that went through the path connecting Starfall and Luar, and didn't leave anyone alive. Baern and his squad were sent to deal with them. Tracking them was easier than thought, which made the squad grow too overconfident. When they ambushed the bandits, these freed their secret weapon, a manticore. The battle was rough, and few soldiers survived, but they managed to defeat both the bandits and the animal. It was then, seeing the bodies of so many of his friends, that Baern understood the price of his dream.

After that event, Baern worked to get promoted quickly, he wanted to increase the armies efficiency, to avoid another massacre like the one he had experienced. In all battles commanded by him, his group was always the one who lose the least soldiers. Thanks to that feat, people started calling him "The Sentinel Strategist".

In the end, he was offered the position of chief of teh royal guard, which he accepted gladly. However, now something lurks in the shadows, something that could endanger that for what he fights for, and the question is, will his mind be as sharp as in his youth, svaing everybody from calamity? Or will he crumble under the weight of age, leading to his dream's death?








Non-Player Character

Head of the church of light for almost 30 years.

When he was young, the country suffered a famine due to a period of bad weather that made impossible to bring food to the city. There were days in which a simple piece of bread was the only thing that he could eat. But in every dark moment, there is something guding people to hope; in this case, the church of light was given the little food they had to the people more in need, such as Daras.

Once the famine was over and he had recovered his health, he decided to join the church, as they were the ones who had saved him.

Having passed that experience, his journey inside the church and his promotions were guided by the wish to help, he gained teh title of "The Benevolent"








Non-Player Character

Head of the church of darkness.

She got in contact with teh church of darkness after losing her son. He worked on the mines, extracting gems, but a cavity full of harmful gases was opened, and he didn't have time to get out of the mine.

After the death of her son, she fell into a depression for two years. In her loweest moments, she was found by a member of the church of darkness, who carried her to their home. There, Ibies was cared and helped, giving her therapy in order to overcome her sadness.

Although she had beaten her depression, still there was something missing in here life, as the loss of a child is not easily processed. Ibies decided to help other people, as the clerics had helped her, and joined the church. Slowly, she started working with people that needed help. One day, something changed, while caring for someone in shock, a spark of magic occured, and Ibies was able to help them easily... Idlis had given her powers to help her as his cleric.








Non-Player Character

He was born in Luar, and grew up an orphan next to Chicharrón

Co-cpatain of a band of criminals, he worked with Chicharrón to obtain money throgh illegal ways to help those in the slums. Lycano was the face of the band, the one who communicated with clients and arrenged the hits for Chicharrón.

One day, Lycano recieved a proposal he couldn't pass. He was offered inmunity for all his crimes, as long as he joined the church of light, and delivered his band-mates to the officers.

And so he did, he lied to Chicharrón, sending him to a suicide mission. And while he was away, Lycano brought the force of the church of light to the band headquarters and burnt it with the rest inside.

But one thing that he didn't expect occured, Chicharrón came back from his mission, alive, and saw what Lycano had done. The force of the church of light tried to kill Chicharrón, but he managed to escape.

Lycano knows that while Chicharrón is still alive, his position and everything he has accomplished since turning their band, is at risk. Therefore, he will try to kill Chicharrón no matter how much it costs.




Game Master





Hi! I hope you liked reading about Darklume, and getting to know the important NPCs, as well as our resident PC. I must admit that I am really curious on how this situation between Allegra-Chicharrón-Lycano ends up.

As I said, I can not say anything about the plot I have prepared, as there may be guilty eyes trying to spy. But I can say it all starts with the tournament I mentioned in Allegra's backstory, and every PC will participate for their own reasons.

Let the campaign begin!