
Second country

Created by Balasar, the god of fire. It has a warm environment. We can find woods, mountains... It's the country that would resemble more the classical image of a medieval country.

Three inactive volcanoes stand out. At the feet of the biggest volcano, the capital city can be found, Dustwood (seen in the image), also known as the gray city because of it's colour. The three volcanos are inactive since Balasar left teh country, as they represented his destrctive power and his temperament, a reminder of his divine power. Balasar decided to return to the celestial plane searching for adventures and stronger fights.

Balasar is a god of war, focused on battles, destruction, and proving who is stronger. so, when he governed, no artistic incentive was given to the population, something that the current monarchy wants to change.

This country also presents the highest ammount of castles, although not all of them are inhabited.

The country is currently governed bya a monarchy established by Balasar before he went bakc to teh celestial plane (gods' home). Even though the worship to the god of fire is the majoritarian one, other religions can be found, such as minor deities, like the deity of chaos, the god of sacriface, or the goddess of vengance.

The army also has functions as the police, and it's also recognized as the strongest army in the world.

The country is in a civil war between the army, and the rebels (races historically discriminated against). Thanks to this war, an economic imbalance, already present before it, has grown bigger, the poor are poorer, affected by the increase in proces of vital products and the losses of war; while the rich are richer, specially mercahnt of weapons and war materials.








Player character

Born in Dragonbay, daughter of Nesala, a sun-elf; and Shuqin, a Fire-genasi, who abandoned them when Nesala got pregnant.

Nevertheless, Xilthyra had a happy childooh, in a humble home paid by her mother's work as healer. She kenw whe was different, but never gave it importance. She didn't find a problem with not having a father either; until, when she was 10, her mother married Gaelin, another sn-elf, and had a son Ehlark, who didn't resemble her at all. Understadning that there was a missing piece in her story, she started investigating (as her mother didn't wnat to tell her about her biological father).

Three years later, she had managed to discover her fathaer's identitiy and location, Dustwood, the capital city. So there whe went, to be rejected by Shuqin, calling her a disgrace, as her personality was more quiet, like her mother's, instead of passionate and dominant, like his. Nesala, having discovered of Xilthyra's plan to visit her father a little bit late, went to Darkwood and took her home.

Xilthyra was hurt by her father's word, and travelling alone to Duskwood created a crack in her relatiosnhip with her mother, and during the following 5 years, her relatiosnhip became more and more shattered. When her new sister, Aeverie, was born, she felt even more replaced. She decided to escape adn return to Duskwood, to learkn how to be a good fire-genasi, as her father wanted. She found a tabern where she could stay with some money she had stolen from home, and met Raziel, a fire-genasi with importance in the queendom.

Raziel talked to her about their race and his involvment with the army. He convinced to joint he army to learn the abilities she was searching for. Xilthyra shined in the army's academy, proving to be a great warrior. She also made new friends, with who she usually went with to drink or play tablegames. They became a little family, and they helped her to regain contact with her family. Even though her familiy forgave her, her mother didn't like her being in the army.

One year after joining the army, a civil war started, between the army and a subset of the population, formed mainly by species who historically had been looked down upon and villified. The generals of the army didn't think that her geenration was yet prepared for battle, so Xilthyra had to stay at the academy, something she appreciated, as she wasn't sure to be able to fight civilians.

Despite her great improvement in the army, her father kept seeing her as a shame, which made her work harder to become the best warrior. When she made 20 years old, she decided to do the tryouts to join the army completely, however, the tests were known to be extremley hard, somethign that worried her. In that moment, Raziel came back to her life, and offered to help her. He trained her, but she started to notice strange things he said while training, comments against both the royal family and the civilian side of the war. Her friends told her that Raziel was really weird and she shouldn't trust him. However, she kept practicing with him. One day, he made her and offer, a ritual to become more powerful in order to pass the tryouts. As she didn't want to spend more time stuck in the academy, she accepted. However, after the ritual, she awoke trapped in her own mind, without any control of her body, but seeing all the attrocities that her body commited since that moment.

She saw herself fighting for the army, destroying cities who had sided with the rebels, killing innocents... and killing one of her friends in the academy after his desertion. She saw all, without being abel to stop it, no mattered how many times she shouther, how many times she cried, death was in her way, and she was the reaper. In one battle, an explosion hurt her gravely, making her lose conscience. When she awoke, she was in control again, but without strength to save herself, neither will to do it. But sometimes what we want is not what is dictated to happen. A cleric of the god of water, who worked healing everybody in the war, no matter the side, found her and saved her. Xilthyra couldn't talk with her, as she parted to heal more wounded.

Not wanting to eb forced to fight again, Xylthira escaped. First, she went to her mother's house, but when she arrived, Dragonbay had been burnt. In her home, several burnt bodies layed there. Assuming her family was death, she abandoned the queendom.








Non-Player Character

Living a tranquil life in a small city in Balasar, Ravena didn't grow up with many worries. She helped her family and friends with any chores that she could. However, her dream was to be an actress, to move to either Elexara or Talespire and become famous for her performances.

Growing up a tiefling, she was told that the world outside their little town was dangerous. Her parents had joined some other people, members of discriminated races, to create a haven for the unfavored of society, and to have a place where their children could live a happy life. However, Ravena thought that once the rest of the world got to know her, they would see that she was a good person, "The best" as some of her friends used to tell her.

But how much can a dream perdure against the wheels of destiny? When the civil war started, the town didn't align to any side, they just wanted to be left alone and live in peace. But the army couldn't just leave a town filled with members of the races that were fighting them. They sent a soldiers with a fire-genasi woman as their captain to destroy the town and kill it's population.

When they attacked, Ravena was taking care of some of the town's children on a meadow close to the town. Survivors started running to them, warning them of the danger. They took the kids and Ravena decided to go back to the town, she had to find her parents. But when she got to her home, both her dads had already been killed. She cried and cried, but the sound of people dying outside her house hide her cries. The soldiers decided to burn the town, without knowing that she was still there. The fire surrounded her, still holding to her dads bodies, but she, in shock for everything that had happened, couldn't move. The fire got to her, and with the pain, a need of vengance arised inside her. A voice then said in her head: "If it's revenge what you want, child. Rise up and live. Promise your soul to me, Furya the goddess of vengance, and I will grant you powers to achieve your dream". Ravena, wanting that power, got up and crossed the burning town, without fear of the flames, after all, she was a tiefling, what harm could do to her anyway?








Non-Player Character

Born 1500 years before the events of the campaign, Angel had to go through his own adventure before ending up as the head of the rebels.

Living in a town next to a clan of vampires, he was taught to avoid any contact with them, for they are creatures of the night, who go against Balasar's ideals. And he grew up thinking that way.

When he was 24, during one of the celebrations of his town, he was chosen with other girls to dance at the festivals. While dancing, he noticed a young man, approximately his age, observing him. He didn't recognize the man, so he was probably a traveler from another town.

After the dance, the man approached him and they started talking. The man was called Lawrence, and he had had many an adventure. Angel soon got fascinated by all the stories Lawrence told him. The traveler decided to stay for a bit in Angel's town, which gave them the opprtunity to better know each other. One day, Lawrence revealed that he wanted to be more than friends, that he liked him. Angel just started crying, not because he didn't have the same feelings for Lawrence, but because Lawrence had fallen in love with a lie. When Lawrence or anyone of town looked at Angel, they saw a woman; when Lawrence saw him dancing at the festival, he saw a girl with a green dress moving in unison with the others. But for years, Angel had grown to despise that girl everybody saw, as he didn't feel like one at all, but had learned to hide the discomfort.

Lawrence listened to him calmly, and just smiled at him when Angel finnished. Lawrence had been to many places, and he had met other men like Angel. Lawrence told him about them, told him he was normal, and that he probably hadn't heard of similar cases like his because he lived in an isolated town, but that there were many people like Angel in the world. And that he still loved him, no matter how he identified, as he hadn't fallen for his appearance, but for his face when he saw a dog, for his kind spirit, always trying to help everybody, for Angel's smile when he looked at him...

However, Angel was not the only one with a secret. Lawrence came clean about his past, it was true he was a traveler, but his home was the vampire clan next to Angel's town. Angel went from pure happiness to sheer horror, as Lawrence was everything the town had taught him to fear. But when Angel looked at Lawrence's eyes filled with a different type of fear, he knew he couldn't hate Lawrence, they had spend the last months knowing each other, and knew Lawrence was a good person.

Lawrence offered him a deal, a way to change his appearance if he wanted to. He could transform him in a vampire, and with some spells, Angel would be able to change slowly, after drinking a man's blood, using the testosterone in the blood. They could go togther to a city, where normally ther were donors, willing to give some of their blood from time to time to vampires; and he could live with the appearance he wanted, as he wanted, with a clean slate. Angel accepted, and Lawrence gave some of his blood to transform him.

The day they were planning to leave, Angel heard a lot of noise from the streets, he went to see what was happening and a mob with weapons and fire, the pople of the town, went for him, helding him captive. They took him to Lawrence's house, where he was fighting against some of the townfolks, but when he saw Angel trapped, he stopped fighting, not wanting to risk Angel getting hurt by the mob. A man talked for the poeple, it had been discovered that Lawrence was a vampire, and that he had transformed their precious Angel. The sentence was death, and warned Lawrence that, if he tried to do anything, they would kill Angel. Lawrence looked at Angel and mouthed the words: "I'm sorry, I love you", and completely still, he let the townsfolk put a wooden stick through his heart and set his body on flames. Angel screamed and cried, something inside him awakening, a power Lawrence had described him. Angel used it to free himself, and overpassed by his sadness and rage, he killed those who had harmed Lawrence, and kept killing those who had come after him. When he realized what he was doing, many townsfolk where already dead, and the rest were fleeing the town. He had become the monster the town had always taught him to despise, but this time, he didn't care.

Angel decided to ask for help to the neighbouring vampire clan, Lawrence's family. After hearing his story, they decided to help him, in honor of Lawrence, but he had put them in danger by killing the people of the town, and now they had to escape too. They helped him get to a city, as Lawrence wanted to do, and there, they parted ways, not to meet again for years.








Non-Player Character

Goddess of memory, Mnemosyne is worshiped mainly in Elexara and Tailspire, but some of altars to her can be found in the other countries too.

Called "The guardian of the past", she holds the memory of every living organism that has existed in Galea. She is both known as compassionate and ruthless. She doesn't live with a moral compass as mortals and other deities do, she just exists to recollect memories.

Those who search her in order to know something about the memories she hold have to pass a trial and prove worthy of the memory they want, with the risk of death if they fail, as privacy for the person who the memmory belogns to is of the utmost importance for her.

From all the people who gets to meet her, just a few have survived, forever changed. They have described her presence as if reality crumbled next to her and cracks like in a mirror break reality and those next to her.








Non-Player Character

A general in the army of Balasar.

He was born in Duskwood, and grew up with vey religious parents. he was a violent kid, something that brought proud and shem to his parents, pride, as his son was a warrior like their god Balasar, but shame in the wild way he fought. That's why, when he was old enough, he joined the army.

His violence was for once his weakness, as hw just attacked without thinking, getting in the bad side of his trainers. However, when he finally started to understand the teachings of his superiors, he started standing out. After managing to be completely accepted in the military, he started tising ranks easily, thanks in part of the violence he was born with, and the strategy that the academy taught him.








Non-Player Character

God of fire. Balasar is one of the seven primordial deities. He is also related to war and power.

Even though now he has returned to the celestial plane, when teh country was created, he governed for many centuries as a theocracy. His reign was marked for focusing on the army and military actions. He was obssesed with fighting every creature that could present him a little challenge, so he used his army to hunt down creatures, monsters and anything that had some fame of being powerful. Dragons, chimeras, demons, beholders... all went extinct in Balasar's country.

Once no more creatures were left in his country to prove himself strongest, he grew bored quickly and decided to leave the kingdom to one of his most loyal servants and parted for the celestial plane in search of adventures and great battles.








Non-Player Character

A member of the rebels, specialized in spying the army. She joined the rebels when her town was attacked by the army for having sided with the rebels, but the rebel army managed to beat them.

Seeing that the queen's army had no reparation in attacking innocent people, she decided that she couldn't just stand by. She used all the knowledge of having had to live on the streets for some years of her life to help the rebel army.

In order to prove her ability, she infiltered a base of the amry and stole the plans of an assault against Embercrest, one of the cities bastion of the rebels and signal of hope.

Thanks to the information that she gave them, the rebels defeated the army, being it the first great victory for the rebels since the beginning of the war, and changing the view of this one from a suicide battle to having a chance to succeed.








Non-Player Character

Princess of the queendom of Balasar and next to the throne.

She grew up happily in the palace, and was taught to love every living thing by her parents. "Everything that lives is sacred, Sigrun, do not be quick to pass judgement on who deserves what in this life, for everyone and everything deserves a chance to do the best they can" was something that her mother, queen and renowned warrior, told her once. It stucked with her, becoming her mantra.

She was a polite and sincere child, and all the people working at the palace loved her for her sweetness. She tried to help them when she could, but being a little child constricted her options on where to help, so she normally helped in the kitchen, where she made friends with the cook for the royal family, who taught her how to prepare many dishes. The queen and king were delighted to see her daugther's love for the pople around her, "a sign of a good queen" they used to say.

When she grew up, she decided to dedicate herself to the arts, learning to combine spells in order to create awe, instead of harm. Her family supported her in all ways possible, but hte army was not happy that the future queen didn't have a military background, like all the previous queens, as it had been mandated since the beginnign of the queendom that all queens had to have been through a military service in order to be considered capable rulers.

When the civil war started, her and the royal family closed access to the palace, with only the generals having access to it. Little is known about them except for the rules they send to the army to defeat the rebels, while they hide behind the security of their palace.








Non-Player Character

Second princess of the queendom of Balasar. While her sister is known to be polite, Asha is known to be mischiviuos and a troublemaker, but never to a bad heart.

A romantic to a fault, Asha also spends her days reading romantic novels and imagining a future with someone she can love.

She also likes to go to the market and use part of her money to buy things for people who normally wouldn't be able to afford it.

Since the beginning of the war, her and the royal family have closed access to the palace with only the generals of the army having access to it. Little is known about them, except for the rules they send to the army to defeat the rebels, qhile they hide behind the security of their palace.








Non-Player Character

Father of Xilthyra, although he would rather be catch dead than admitting to it.

In his youth, he was one of the most famous rangers of the south of Balasar, and spent his free time between affairs and games. During one of his gaming nights, he met Nesala after having a fight and needing a quick heal. He got curious about her and started visiting her from time to time, faking an injury.

After some time, Nesala accepted his proposition and went on a date with him, starting an intense romance- However, when Nesala got pregnant, Shuqin freaked out, being a aprent wasn't between his priorities at the momnet, maybe never, so he decided to flee to the capital city, Duskwood.

In Duskwood, he got in contact with other fire-genasis, and started winning their respect. However, some yearts later, a little kid started asking for him. He was mortified, why did that have to happen to him? He took care of that kid who said to be his daughter, telling her the truth, she was just a pitiful kid, with the lack of fire of their species, just a shadow of his greatness.

Years passed, and a friend of his, Raziel, told him that his kid had joined the army, but he didn't give it importance. But that kid went time and tiem agian to win his respect, she was stronger now, but yet a failure to Shuqin.

When the civil war started, he sided with the army, as Raziel was a general in it.




Game Master





Well, that was a lot to write. but I must admit I am curious on how this will unfold, was it me or there were contradiction sin the different character's backgrounds? Well, it's nto important now.

I must admit that Angel wasn't supposed to eb this long, but inspiration struck, and I could only obay. Is it noticable that I have certain favoritism for Ravena and Angel? Nah, probably not.