
Sixth country.

Created by Nyarin, the god of air, Aerithria is a country made of floating islands, the climate of which will vary according to the latitude and altitude in which they are located. Some of these islands move around the world, while others are static.

Despite being recognized as a country, it could be better defined as a group of islands with independent governments, so at an economic level, each island is also different. Moreover, not all floating islands are inhabited.

On a religious level, the main deity worshipped is the god Nyarin, a spiritual god, who helps his followers to use spirituality as a connection to the divine. But the method of spirituality can be different for each person, so there are many secondary deities with worship on the different islands depending on how they observe spirituality, for example, there is a worship of the god of sleep, another of meditation, the goddess of the sky...

As each island acts as a completely independent region from the others, aspects such as militia, police, education, culture or technological advances are specific to each island, which is why there may be islands with a more Gothic architecture setting, while others may be more simplistic.

Despite this, there is a central island that acts as a "capital" called Airlithia (can be seen in the image), where the most important church dedicated to Nyarin resides; in addition to being one of the largest islands and one of the most important points of connection with the terrestrial world. If a decision has to be made between all the jointly inhabited islands, a meeting is organized in Airlithia.


Xesunth kek






Player character

He was born in a tribe of the nation of the air, his mothers being the lider and the druid of the tribe.

He was a happy kid, and all of hte tribe participated teaching him, he listened to the elder's stories, and helped in any way he could. Thanks to his mother, the druid of the tribe, he discovered that he liked to take care of the nature and people, and decided that he would eb a druid when he grow up.

Despite this, there was something bugging him when he was a child, every other kid was similar to their parents; while him, a black dragon, was different to his mothers, a red and a green dragon. His mothers told him that he was adopted, his biological parents had been two black dragons, best friends of theirs, who unfortunately had died defending the tribe from a monster when he was still an egg.

One day, a mesage from another dragonborn tribe was recived, asking for help, his mothers and him decided to go to the other tribe to help. This other tribe was in a region of Talespire, in the middle of a swamp. the tribe had had a rough time, their leader had died without training the next one, and they had lost their food due to an insect infestation.

His mothers helped the best way they could, but still needed some time to achieve something. While he was there, he met the druid of that tribe and told him about the swamp. Thank to him, Kek decided to learn the ways of the swamp as a druid.

Once the tribe was able to deal by themsleves, they went back to Aerithria. Kek continued learning how to be druid, but his style contrasted to the style of the other students of the tribe, as his was related to the swamp, not a flying island. Despite this, he managed to be the strongest one.

The years passed, and something changed in their island climate, every day it was more arid. Something was happening, something that never had happened, their island was moving, and with that, the cliamte was changing, altering the delicate equilibrium that nature had establsihed there; trees took more time to grow, and they were more fragil; some animals grew sick, not accostumed to the arid climate.

Some news arrived, of a tournament being celebrated in anotehr country, with a reward that could help them, so Kek, being the strongest one, decided to go for them and win the tournament.








Non-Player Character

A mysterious figure that goes through the different countries, reading the future to people.

A wandered who has visited every place. They stay only a little time in each place, to avoid enetrng int he radar of important people. However, some visiosn have come to them, something important is happening, the world is at stake. That's why they have decided to go to aerithria and meet our heroes, if to help or to detriment them is still to be seen.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

Argestes is one of the warriors of the ten angles. Her style of fighting is based in precise hits. She is one of the more startegic ones, always favoring defeating the enemy fast, without giving them time to defend themselves.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

Eurus is known as the prankster of the ten, always trying to make the others laugh. Despite this, her wrath is known for being one of the most destructive. She normally spends her days transformed in some animal, planning pranks and playing with the cubs of some creature.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

He is the leader of the group, known for his strategic mind. his right hand is Argestes. He is the most loyal to Nyarin, all of them would give their life for their god, but Boreas has shown more devotion than any other. He is as loved as he is feared by the rest of the group, as his power and wrath is unchallenged by any of them. Boreas likes having a tight control over the group, a group he calls is "a family".








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

The healer of the group, always prepared for everything. They are always taking care of either a plant or animal that has gotten injured or is sick, they value life among anything else.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

Depsite having wings, she also likes to go jumping from cloud to cloud, practicing with her bow. She is known to be one of the more down to earth of the group, as from time to time, she goes to some town to help the people there.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

He is known as "the benevolent", because, as he says, his axe was not made to kill but to defend. And that has been his mission since the beginning fo times, to protect both his group, and the followers of Nyarin.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

She spends her days creating beautiful images in the clouds. She has the soul of an artist, rather than of a warrior, but she will protect those she loves if necessary.








Non-Player Character

One of the ten angels of Nyarin.

With Boreas, Argestes, Apeliotes and Notos, he is the fifth warrior of the group. Known for his strength, he is feared by all enemies of the god Nyarin. However, he hides a little weakness, his desire of protecting of all harm the rest of the group: Eurus, Caicias and Lips.








Non-Player Character

Harek was born in an island in the country of the air. He grew up happy, with friends and family next to him. His town gave everything for the kids, always together to help raise them. Wanting to give back to them, Harken became one of the guards of the town, training to be able to deal with any problem.

After fighting against several monsters trying to harm his town, he proved to be the most capable warrior between them, so he was promoted to captain of the guard, dedicated to keep an eye to the walls, keeping the people safe.

However, what he didn0t expect was that his biggest battle for the security of his people would eb against their own island. The island was known to move from one place to anotehr, changing the wether and providing them of 4 seasons. But one day, the island stopped, and has never moved again, causing a perpetual freeze.

Knowing of the tournament of Darklume, he parted to try to gain the reward to save his people.








Non-Player Character

God of the air, and one of the eight primordial gods.

He is a spiritual god, more focused on helping people find enlightment and a feeling of personal achievment. He is not known as one of the violent gods, but he likes to offer training and physical exercises as an option to spirituality, as he understands that for some people, exercise might have the same effect on them as for other may have meditating or praying.




Game Master





Yeah, yeah, I know, too little information, but as i said in Serentide, these countries are the lasst, so I have spend less time creating them. I spent more time with the ones of the beginning, and I started planning this campaign in December of 2023, right we are at the end of February, I think I have done a lot, thank you very much.

Nevertheless, going back to Aerithira, I do have some plans on how to focus their adventure here, maybe a classic challenge to their ethics, who is in the wrong? Are they fighting the correct enemy? Or are they being manipulated? This is the second to last country, so the stakes of their decision are the most important ever, and making the wrong choice might tip their mission off the edge of the canyon.