Liam McBride's CV

Bioinformatician | Computational Biologist | Data Scientist


Master of Science in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Expected 2026

Focus: Omics, Software Development, Machine Learning

Relevant Courses: Principles of Genome Bioinformatics, Biomedical Data Analysis, Algorithms, Mathematics, Python, Structural Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Database and Web Development

UPF Logo

Bachelor of Arts in Biology

St. Olaf College - May 2024

GPA: 3.80

Concentrations: Mathematical Biology, Statistics, and Data Science

Relevant Courses: Intermediate Genetics, Bioinformatics, Elementary Linear Algebra, Math of Biology, Modern Computational Mathematics, Introduction to Data Science, Statistics for Science, Statistics 2, Probability Theory, Algorithms for Decision Making

St. Olaf Logo



  • Languages: Python, R
  • Platforms: Linux, Web, Windows, RStudio, RMarkdown
  • Packages: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Biopython, shiny, tidyverse, dplyr, knitr


  • Experience processing NGS data: long/short-read mapping, identifying Structural Variation, BLAST
  • Phylogenomic tree-building, analysis, evolutionary genetics
  • Cancer genomics, experience with Lymphoma and Ewing’s Sarcoma sequences

Research Experience

Bioinformatics Intern

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA - May 2023 - Present

Supervisor: Dr. Murakami

  • Developed a workflow combining laboratory and bioinformatic techniques to sequence cfDNA samples and perform clonality assessments with the goal of diagnosing Lymphoma.
  • Employed multiple bioinformatic software to assess clonality through different platforms, determining the most suitable for our goals.

Computational Biology Intern

University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN - June - August 2022

Supervisor: Dr. Spector

  • Executed a research project concerning the genetic elements of Ewing Sarcoma, a pediatric bone cancer.
  • Used Python programming and bioinformatic software (such as RepeatMasker and Minimap2) to process large quantities of long-read whole genome sequences.
  • Employed R programming to run statistical analyses and visualize results of bioinformatic software.

Lab Assistant

Smith College, Northampton, MA - March 2017 – May 2019, August 2020 – May 2021

Supervisor: Dr. Katz

  • Processed transcriptome and genome fasta files from multiple databases through a Python-based 'Phylogenetic Pipeline' for phylogenetic reconstruction.
  • Utilized bioinformatic tools and databases (BBmap, Freebayes, BLAST, SeaView, and Python) to study protist genomes and evolutionary relationships.
  • Assisted with Polymerase-Chain-Reaction (PCR) production to support undergraduate research projects.

R Tutor

St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN - January 2023 - Present

Supervisor: Dr. Walter

  • Assisted students in the biology and statistics department with RStudio and R programming to analyze data in laboratory projects.
  • Teaches RMarkdown, Base R, data manipulation, visualization, and essential R packages, as well as various R-related topics within biological settings.

Contact Information


Phone: +1 413 588 8591

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Email Me