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Films for when you're feeling a certain way

How are you feeling today?

Drunk in love in the sun soaked hills of Italy
Seeking life's meaning whilst running away
Wandering through life in search of belonging
Like violence is the inevitable conclusion
High to the point of losing grip on reality
Serving LGBTQ+ history connaiseur realness
Fighting to preserve your childlike wonder
Doubting if power and belief can truly coexist
Missing quality time with your girl friends
The past haunts the present
Memory bears the prints of desire
Every story depends on perspective

About me


Maider Fernandez de Mendiola

Film lover & Bioinformatician in the making

I’m a curious person by nature, always eager to explore different realities and perspectives, whether through science or storytelling. Originally from Bilbao, I studied Biology and am now pursuing a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences in Barcelona.

My love for film comes from being a highly visual person—I’m drawn to movies that not only tell compelling stories but also look stunning. At the same time, I have a strong sense of justice and deep-rooted moral values, which influence both my scientific pursuits and the films that resonate with me. Here, you’ll find a reflection of the things that inspire me, from the intricacies of genetic research to the artistry of cinema.

My life through movies

Other projects

Click in the images below to learn more about my most recent bioinformatics projects!

Clustal Omega

Webpage that allows the user to perform multiple sequence alignment using the Clustal-Omega program.

Database Model

A database model for a bioinformatics workbench containing different tools to perform multiple analyses on the same platform.


Fully original and one of a kind online tool to compare post translational modifications between different proteins.