Improving the shell experience
Improving the shell experience
- Oh-my-Posh
- Nerd Fonts
Terminal emulator
There currently a big amount of emulators, particularly: eDex-UI, GNOME Terminal, Kitty, Konsole, LXTerminal St, Termonad, XFCE-Terminal, Urxvt, Xterm, Yakuake, Alacritty. The one recommended in this case are Alacritty, Kitty.
Text editor
Neovim, Emacs, Nano Others: Geany, Micro, Notepadqq, Kakoune, Vi, Gedit, Kate, Nano, Atom, Ed, Gvim
Prompt modding
ranger, oh-my-posh, nerdfonts
Tile manager
Selected: awesome, qtile, xmonad Others: bspwm,dwm, exwm, herbst, i3wm, leftwm, spectrwm, stumopwm
To credit for some selections, credits to DistroTube for his Tier Lists.
Additional use of apps
trash, htop, ranger, neofetch, ncdu, bat, ffmpeg, magick, cpufetch, bpytop, ascii-image-converter, lolcat
differences ascii-image-converter differences