Custom Firefox Theme

We will learn some CSS while creating a custom CSS file for a Firefox theme.

Custom Firefox Theme


[](<here’s instruction that i had written in another repo of mine

Place both chrome and startpage in .mozilla/firefox/PROFILE/ to use them. You can get the location of your PROFILE dir in about:profiles. Set the startpage for Home in preferences and restart.

the chrome dir contains 2 types of files.

userChrome.css and userContent.css for the UI and the default homepage respectively.

userChrome.xml and userChrome.js for setting the New tab page to a custom page.

If you are using FF 69+ you need to enable this first: about:config %3E toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets > true

For the startpage: To enable the newtab startpage functionality open userChrome.js and then change const mypage = “file:///home/debasis/.mozilla/firefox/sawjo289.default-esr/startpage/index.html”; Put the path of your index.html in the quotation.>)


Gary Javier Espitia Sudea
Gary Javier Espitia Sudea

My research interests genetics, bioinformatics, scientometrics and statistics.