
Online aligner based on Clustal-Omega


Follow this simple steps to get your aligned file and enjoy an streamed alignment

1. Starting

Copy a fasta file and paste it in the first textbox, or write some uniprot id's in the second textbox or just upload a file that contains all the sequences you want to align.

2. Run the app

Just select the type of alignment you want and press the corresponding button to run the alignment. You can add and supress any sequence and run the application again without the need to refresh the page.

3. Get the result

Now that you have the alignment, just copy it from the results that will appear at the bottom or download the file.

4. Final

You have just run the application. As easy as that. You can do it again any time.


Pasted fasta

Paste a fasta format of all the sequences you want to align, with the same format as you would find in a fasta file.

Uniprot protein ID's

Paste the proteins IDs separated by newline

Upload your file

Just upload a common fasta file (several extensions accepted)

Clustal-Ω Parameters

Output format: