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Pau Pujol Vives

From chemical engineering to bioinformatics.


Started this adventure at CEIP Sant Pau, in Sant Pol long time ago...

Second step

After that, I continued studying ESO and Batxillerat in Escola Pia in Calella


Almost five years ago, I took the decision on studyin chemical engineering in UAB


Today, I am delighted about the choice I made applying to the bioinformatics master in Pompeu Fabra.


Just Preset, don't stress


Chimera and Pymol have a steep learning curve.

State of the art

Some teams have developed similar things, but ours offer friendly, social and unique environment.

Global scalability

Uploading server's memory capacity and velocity to offer the best experience.


Currently Chimera and Pymol can be used. More renderer's presets will be available soon.

Presets available in our website

Worldwide contributors that help to create your desired preset

Hours dedicated to solve your problem

Total downloaded presets by cientific community

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