
Hi! Welcome to my personal webpage

My name is Marc Ciruela

Current projects:

Clustal W

Application to run multiple sequence alignments using Clustal W in a server.

Database model

Create the model for a database to host proteomic analysis results.


A repository for Chimera-Pymol presets to create nice figures

About me


  • Msc Bioinformatics for Health Sciencies (2022- Currently) Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Universitat de Barcelona

  • Bsc Biochemistry (2018-2022) Universitat de Barcelona

  • Baccalaureate in science (2016-2018) Institut d'Alella


  • English (C1)

  • Spanish (native)

  • Catalan (native)

  • French (basic)

Other personal experience

Private tutor experience since 2016 teaching high-school level Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and English.

Cathecist at Parròquia de Sant Feliu d'Alella with high-school teenagers.

Summer camp counselor during 2019 summer (Parròquia Santa Maria de Gràcia, Barcelona)

Conferences I have attended

8th RSC-BMCS Fragment-based Drug Discovery Meeting (Cambridge, UK) - March 2022 Allosterism and Drug Discovery Conference (Barcelona, Spain) - June 2022

Do you want to know more about me?

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