Maria Franquesa i Mullerat

From Barcelona since 2000

Welcome to my web site.

I am a biotechnologist and Bioinfornatics for health science master sudent. Furthermore, I consider myself an sport and traveling enthusiast, since I have practise several sports during my life and more specifically football and athletics and done different travells as well as some stays aborad.

Following you can find a link to my GitHub:

Following you can find my mail:


  • 2003-2018

    Pre-university education

    I coursed primary school in the Escola Mestral (Sant Feliu de Llobregat), seconndary school in the Escola Sadako and high school in the Escola SĂșnion (Barcelona).

  • 2018-2022

    Degree in biotechonolgy

    In 2022 I finished a four years degree in Biotechonolgy from the UB (University of Barcelona).

  • 2022-now

    Bioinformatics for health sciences (Master)

    Currently I am doing a Master in Bioinformatics in the UPF (Univesirtat Pompeu Fabra) and UB (Universitat de Barcelona).

  • Other studies

  • 2018
    First certificate exam (B2)

    In 2018 I obtanined the First certificate exam (Cambridge)

  • 2022
    Internship in The Netherlands

    In 2022 I spent six month in Groningen (The Netherlands) doing an intership in the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) about a preclinical study for a new treatmennt for schizophrenia. There I did some diagnostic techniques Positron Emission Tomography (PET) exams, as well as data processing and statistical analysis.