
Adoration page in honor
of the Axolotls

Axolotl web server


Axoweb is a page linked to the development of DBW projects. As its main objective, it intends to provide a minimum knowledge of the ecosystem that surrounds the axolotls, their behavior and other data. If you are more interested in it, you can access other sources in the links that you will find in the last section of the page. We hope to be of your interest!

In addition, you can also find other applications and functionalities not related to axolotls on this page, such as an application for ClustalW (to carry out multiple alignments) and a Data Model designed for sql (to develop a database related to series of proteomics analysis). We hope they are useful to you.



DBW Exercises


More information

For more information about Axolotls about their biology, behavior, care and other related topics, access the main portal (www.axolotl.org) by clicking on the following button.

Also, you can click in here to acces a website that talks in detail about the care of axolotls as pets, as well as other data and information about their behavior in nature and other topics.