ClustalO Tool

Clustal Omega is a multiple sequence alignment program that is used to align biological sequences. It is part of the Clustal family of alignment tools and is considered one of the most accurate and widely used tools for multiple sequence alignment. ClustalO is widely used in molecular biology, bioinformatics, and evolutionary biology, and it is available as a free and open-source softwate package.

This CustalO Web Application has the folowing priorities regarding the input:

  1. Uniprot IDs
  2. Protein Sequences
  3. Uploaded File

Please introduce the Uniprot Ids separated by comma, without any spaces between them e.g: P06213,P14735...

Please introduce the sequences in a FASTA format, otherwise the alignment tool will not work as intended

Upload sequence file:

The uploaded file must contain sequences in a FASTA format, otherwise the alignment tool will not work properly

Download file