Hi, I'm Nikola

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What I Do

I'm a bioinformatics guy who is driven by creating solutions in python.


My biggest strength is Python and OOP

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name description
LigandMapper.py A python standalone program that predicts ligand binding sites on proteins. (see: Example video)
TIE bot A bot for making an appointment for TIE (tarjeta de identidad de extranjero) in Spain
Data Mining and Machine Learning Analysis of biological data with Python (projects: 2 and 3)
Bayesian Statistics Bayesian Statistics examples in biology
Python for Bioinformatics Bioinformatics exercices for basics in python and more advanced concepts (OOP, Exception Handling) in the later folders
Web development in Django See below (after R)

name description
RNA-Seq analysis Reproduciton of a publication regarding gene expression in different phases of lactation in humans
Data Mining and Machine Learning Analysis of biological data with R (project: 1)
Olig2 Analysis A a chip-seq analysis in R to investigate OLIG2 as a transcription factor.

name (github link) live description
Hospital Management Web App here A webapp for managing patient registration, health check-ups and diagnosis-treatements.
Clustal Web App here A django web application to perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal-Omega
Other django projects Some basic projects that made me feel more comfortable with django

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SQL exercises Solutions for SQL problems from the book: Practice Problems: 57 Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Challenges for You to Solve Using a "Learn-by-Doing" Approach by Vasilik, Moestl Sylvia

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Clustal Web App here A php web application to perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal-Omega

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fastascan A basic shell script that finds and analyses fasta and fa files of directory and subdirectories

Other languages and tools I have experience in: