Thank you for arriving here!

My name is Denis. I am a bioinformatics student with a passion to solve biological problems with computational techniques.
I am experienced with analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) clinical data, and basic molecular laboratory techniques related to preparation and analysis of genomic DNA. At your right you can see this information in detail and a brief description of my work experience background.
By scrolling down, you will discover more about me, going through the skills I am sharpening, my educational background and some projects I have been working on during my specialisation in bioinformatics.

Mar 2022 - Oct 2022 - Cerba Internacional
Analyst in Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology Department

Clinical interpretation and communication of results:
-NGS and Sanger sequencing
-Microbiological analyses with RT-PCR

May 2021 - Mar 2022 - Cerba Internacional
Corresponsible for COVID-19 Department

Coordination and organization of the Department:
- Personnel supervision
- Stock and machinery control
- Problem-solving
- Technical RT-PCR procedure
- Analyst functions for COVID-19 tests

Jan 2021-Jul 2021- Generalitat de Catalunya
Novel technologies project intern

The objective was to help SMEs in the food and beverages industry to adopt digitalization methods by proposing several possibilities.

Feb 2020 - Jul 2020 - University of Jyväskylä
Cell and Molecular Biology Researcher

I worked with the Cell Adhesion and Cytoskeleton Dynamics research group in order to perform my Bachelor's thesis about Drosophila embryo development. My tasks were:
-Embryo extraction and sample preparation
-Imaging embryo development through a confocal microscope
-Embryo development analysis


Here you can find the skills I developed during my studies and work experience in the field


Front-end developer tools as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Database management with MySQL and web app with Flask framework.


I am familiar with linux environment (bash tools) and scripting languages as Python and R.


Familiarity with sequence alignment, assembly and annotation methods using tools as BLAST, SAMtools and BWA.


Exploratory Data Analysis, visualization, cluster analysis and machine learning techniques.


>Native Spanish
>Native Catalan
>Advanced English
>Basic French


Knowledge of genomic data formats, such as FASTA, FASTQ, BAM/SAM, BED and VCF.


MSc in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences at University Pompeu Fabra - Oct 2022 - Present

Focused on the application of bioinformatics techniques to solve problems in the health sciences. The program covers topics such as:
    -Data analysis, management, and visualization for high-throughput data generated by next-generation sequencing and other omics technologies
    -Computational methods for drug discovery, systems biology, and personalized medicine
    -Programming and bioinformatics tools for the analysis of large datasets
    -Statistical and machine learning methods for the analysis of high-dimensional data

BSc in Biotechnology at University of Barcelona - Sep 2016 - Jul 2020

Molecular Biology specialisation. The program covers topics such as:
    -Cell and molecular biology
    -Genetics and genomics
    -Microbiology and bioprocesses
    -Biochemistry and biophysics
    -Bioinformatics and computational biology
    -Biomedical technology and applications


Listed below are some of the projects I have been working on


For: Databases and Web Development (DBW) subject, Project: Data model from a GWAS based on SNP-arrays data

For: Databases and Web Development (DBW) subject, Project: Web application to perform multiple sequence alignment using Clustal-O -->  link here

For: Databases and Web Development (DBW) subject, Project: A fully operative web application using a local Database -->   link here

For: Principles of Genome Bioinformatics (PGB) subject, Project: Bioinformatic study of transcription factor Olig2   --->   Download


For: Structural Bioinformatics (SBI), Project: Implement a ligand binding site predictor for proteins with Python   --->  

Contact details

For any further information please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. The fastest way is to send me your message using the following email