The Men of Middle Earth

The Legacy of Men

The race of Men, also known as the Secondborn, is one of the most prominent and diverse races in Middle Earth. Gifted with mortality, Men are unique among the Free Peoples. Their lives are fleeting compared to the immortal Elves, but they are characterized by their resilience, ambition, and capacity for great deeds.

Origins and Early History

Men first awoke in the lands of Hildórien during the First Age. Unlike the Elves, who were guided by the Valar, Men were left to chart their own path in the world. Many of the early Men were swayed by Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, but others allied themselves with the Elves and fought valiantly in the wars of Beleriand.

The Rise of Númenor

Following the destruction of Beleriand, the Valar rewarded the faithful Men who had fought against Morgoth by granting them the island kingdom of Númenor. The Númenóreans, descendants of these Edain, became a mighty seafaring people. They achieved great advancements in knowledge, craftsmanship, and exploration. However, their pride and desire for immortality led to their downfall, as the last king, Ar-Pharazôn, defied the Ban of the Valar, resulting in the sinking of Númenor.

The Realms in Exile

Survivors of Númenor, led by Elendil and his sons, established the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor in Middle Earth. These realms became bastions of hope and resistance against the forces of Sauron. Gondor, in particular, played a pivotal role during the War of the Ring, with its capital, Minas Tirith, serving as the site of some of the most decisive battles in Middle Earth's history.

The Role of Men in the War of the Ring

Men were central to the events of the Third Age and the ultimate defeat of Sauron. Aragorn, a descendant of Númenor and the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor, played a crucial role in uniting the Free Peoples. His leadership, alongside the bravery of other Men like Boromir, Théoden, and Éomer, helped turn the tide against Sauron's forces.


With the destruction of the One Ring and the beginning of the Fourth Age, Men rose to prominence as the dominant race in Middle Earth. The Fourth Age, also known as the Age of Men, marked the decline of the Elves and the departure of other races into legend. The kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor were united under Aragorn's rule, ushering in a period of peace and prosperity.

The story of Men in Middle Earth is one of resilience, ambition, and redemption. Despite their flaws, Men have consistently risen to meet the challenges of their age, shaping the destiny of Middle Earth.